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Universität Bamberg

Lehrstuhl für Personalmanagement und Organisational Behaviour

Studierenden-Kennungen und Sonderfälle


1.Allgemeine Anführung

The Chair of Human Resource Management at the University of Bamberg under the direction of Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen is currently conducting a study on international mobility readiness. With the following questionnaire we would like to get to know more about your personal goals, values, and attitudes. All data collected by this survey remain anonymous and will be kept confidential. Thank you very much for your participation.

In the following you can find different statements about your willingness to move abroad. Please decide for each of the following items in how far each statement applies to you.

My social environment (family, friends, acquaintances) finds it good...

My parents...

My friends...

The following statements concern your personal feelings and sensitivities. For each question below, please select an answer which fits you best.

The following statements concern your ability to adapt. For each question below, please select an answer which fits you best, considering that  1 = "I don't have the ability to..." to 5 = "I have a very strong ability to...".


On the following pages, you will find a series of statements about you. Please read each statement and decide how much you agree or disagree with that statement. Then indicate your response using the following scale:
1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral (neither agree nor disagree), 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
Please answer every statement, even if you are not completely sure of your response.

The following statements concern your proactivity. For each question below, please select an answer which fits you best.

To conclude we do need some personal information.

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Thank you very much for your interest, time, and collaboration! Your answers are very important for us. Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen and Dr. Anna Volodina